Introduction of Depression
Depression is a state of mind where one feels much more intense feeling than sad or gloomy. It can seriously affect the behavior, activities and general thought pattern consistently. They lack of a sense of good being and assume every happening in their routine life as bad incidents or approach them with pessimistic thoughts. People suffering from depression display constant feelings of guilt, irritation, hatred, sadness, hopelessness or even constant urge to do unproductive work. They shock of lack of interest in activities that interest and derive pleasure for normal people. Problems in concentration, lack of focus on a particular activity, frequent loss of energy or enthusiasm, body aches are the general symptoms of depression. The World Health Organization has issued statements stating that depression can lead to further physical disability that did not exist in previous situations. Depression occurs largely due to hormonal imbalances, external situations, haunting experiences in childhood, due to incidents that resulted in sudden emotional or physical shock. It is estimated that at least one in five adults undergo depression cycles during their lifetime. Depression is a mental condition that requires personal attention and care. It is solely dependent on the personal attitude of the individual and is not any contagious disease.
Depression is a state of mind where one feels much more intense feeling than sad or gloomy. It can seriously affect the behavior, activities and general thought pattern consistently. They lack of a sense of good being and assume every happening in their routine life as bad incidents or approach them with pessimistic thoughts. People suffering from depression display constant feelings of guilt, irritation, hatred, sadness, hopelessness or even constant urge to do unproductive work. They shock of lack of interest in activities that interest and derive pleasure for normal people. Problems in concentration, lack of focus on a particular activity, frequent loss of energy or enthusiasm, body aches are the general symptoms of depression. The World Health Organization has issued statements stating that depression can lead to further physical disability that did not exist in previous situations. Depression occurs largely due to hormonal imbalances, external situations, haunting experiences in childhood, due to incidents that resulted in sudden emotional or physical shock. It is estimated that at least one in five adults undergo depression cycles during their lifetime. Depression is a mental condition that requires personal attention and care. It is solely dependent on the personal attitude of the individual and is not any contagious disease.
Depression can occur due to a variety of reasons like lifestyle habits, events during childhood or lifetime, medical treatments, psychiatric syndromes, etc. Poor lifestyle like lack of sleep, irregular or poor diet habits and inadequate physical movement or exercise can cause depression. Life events are considered to be the most effective reason for depression. Various harrowing experiences in like financial difficulties, menopause, diagnosis of serious medical conditions, haunting childhood memories, etc can lead to depression in an individual. At times depression can also be caused due to wrong medication or over dose of certain medicines. Drugs like beta blockers, reserpine, and similar medicines used to cure physical medical conditions can also lead to depression. It is proved that anxiety is the root cause of all depression thoughts that are aggravated by drug use. Further, drug abuse or addiction to smoking or drinking can also lead to depression. When an individual is unable to consume what he has been consuming with much addiction, it can cause a low state of mind and lead to depression. Other psychiatric syndromes like bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, dysthymia, etc. can also be causes of depression.
A Sad or low state of mind of an individual if prolonged for long duration turns into depression. There are various symptoms which help identifying the presence of depression in an individual. The most common symptoms of depression include lack of concentration in basic routine work, difficulty in remembering names, words or places, inability to make logical decisions, increased feeling or tiredness or fatigue, a sense of low self-esteem or hopelessness, constant pessimistic talks, lack of sleep (known as insomnia) or excessive sleeping during daytime, restless activities, lack of interest in any activity that gives pleasure, suicidal tendencies, etc. The presence of one or more than one above mentioned symptoms confirm the presence of depression in an individual. These can be caused due to sudden change in personal situations which forces the individual to think hopeless thoughts that puts down optimism and leads to a cycle of negative thoughts. The symptoms of depression in an individual can be sensed by common man and not necessarily by mental health professionals. Quite often a lack of concentration and difficulty in remembering daily routine activities like eating, combing hair, tying shoe laces, driving, etc. is the beginning stage of depression.
Diagnosis of Depression
There are various methods and procedures of diagnosing depression in individuals. The process of diagnosing depression might include a combination of physical examinations, lab tests and psychological examinations. During a physical examination the patient will be asked to perform a series of physical activities mild and tough to test his physical endurance and health condition. An in-depth questioning of past health conditions and diseases will also be verified for further diagnosis. In certain cases, the cause of depression could possibly be some underlying health condition which the individual maybe unable to communicate explicable. Following physical examinations, lab tests will ensue which will include various tests of the blood and internal organs. A thyroid test may also lead to finding of the symptom of depression in certain cases. Constant fluctuations in blood pressure may shed some light on the mental health of the individual which will in proper selection of oral medicines and physical activities for curing depressions. After completing physical tests and lab tests, doctors usually conduct a personal interview or psychological examination in order to know more about the mental though process of the individual. Based on the findings of the physical, lab and psychological examinations the doctor will be in a position to find out the exact reason for the occurrence of depression in an individual and the remedy for curing it.
Treatment of Depression
Depression is basically a helpless state of mind of an individual. It can be cured by incorporating a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook in the affected person. The first thing that any depressed soul requires is to get into a routine. There should be a change in the dull and unproductive lifestyle by making the individual working towards a goal that will make him or her feel better than depressed. Exercise is indeed a medicine to ward off depression. It activates nerves in the body and pumps blood into the organs making the person feeling more active and alive. A healthy mind in a healthy body tenet stays true in the case of depression. Eating the right food that eases digestion helps in killing depressing thoughts prepares one to look forward for a life filled with hope and enthusiasm. It is also necessary to have a healthy sleep schedule that provides the body gets the rest it requires to replenish and rejuvenate from excessive or obsessed physical activity.
Depression is basically a helpless state of mind of an individual. It can be cured by incorporating a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook in the affected person. The first thing that any depressed soul requires is to get into a routine. There should be a change in the dull and unproductive lifestyle by making the individual working towards a goal that will make him or her feel better than depressed. Exercise is indeed a medicine to ward off depression. It activates nerves in the body and pumps blood into the organs making the person feeling more active and alive. A healthy mind in a healthy body tenet stays true in the case of depression. Eating the right food that eases digestion helps in killing depressing thoughts prepares one to look forward for a life filled with hope and enthusiasm. It is also necessary to have a healthy sleep schedule that provides the body gets the rest it requires to replenish and rejuvenate from excessive or obsessed physical activity.
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