
Thursday, 17 April 2014

Eye Health Causes and Remedies


The gift of vision is the best gift for any living being. It is essential to take proper care of eye health as it is the most sensible and delicate organ in the human body. At least four our ten people in the world are affected by eye health issues. More than old age, incorrect reading and postures lead to the problems with eye sight. Regular eye sight exams will ensure proper maintenance of a healthy vision. Periodical eye checkups will help in identifying and preventing possible sever issues with your eye sight in the future. Eye exams also help in diagnosing diabetes since vision impairment and difficulty can be caused due to diabetic retinopathy. A recent study has revealed that the bacteria are showing improved resistance against antibiotics. Hence, the risk of eye infection has increased like never before in the recent days. Proper eye care has become need of the day, since without eye sight man could be potentially immobile and incapable of doing most of the important activities of life. Eye doctors are the only authorized and trained people who can recommend treatments for eye diseases. Self medication should be avoided in the case of eye diseases as it can lead to more complications that did not exist before. Further, certain eye infections could be infectious meaning if they are not cured on time they can become more potent and damage eye sight permanently.

Causes of Eye Health Issues

The common eye health issues are halos, blurred vision, blind spots, glare at night, vision loss, blindness, etc.   They can possibly happen due to the reduced capacity of the lenses to intake visuals. The cornea of the eye is a very delicate organ that requires constant care and protection. The duty of the eyelids is to prevent dust and other allergens from hurting the cornea. Even the slightest damage can cause permanent damage to the cornea. Watching monitors and reading with eye closely held to the texts can have a negative impact on their health and lead to eye health complications. Further, old age can also be a reason when the eye sight may fall due to wear and tear of the tissues that are responsible for eye sight. Poor diet can also eye sight as the nervous system of the eye may be malnourished of required amount of nutrients.

Symptoms of Eye Health Issues

The common signs of eye health issues include eye pain, a sense of irritation in the eye, watery discharge from the eye in varied colors, photophobia (hyper sensitivity to light), blurred or patched vision, difficulty in seeing or straining of the eye, squinting, etc. Other common symptoms of possible diseases include reddening of the yes, discomfort in reading, watery eyes, misty visuals, swollen eyelids, constant urge of itching, etc. People who use contact lenses are also highly prone to eye health issues as they can allow germs and external particles to enter into the eye easily. Most of the eye infections are due to abuse of use or due to wrong reading habits. Excessive watching TV or screens can also lead to eye sickness. The potent eye sight might diminish if proper eye care procedures are not performed on a regular basis. Not all symptoms of eye health issues are to be considered dangerous. Most of them could be temporary discomforts that could be set right adequate changes in lifestyle.

Diagnosis of Eye Health Diseases

It is necessary to have the right diagnosis to ensure proper treatment of eye infections. Certain eye infections are contagious, meaning it can spread from one person to another, hence it is important to obtain the guidance of an eye doctor. The doctor will be able to provide a detailed diagnosis of the present health condition of the cornea, lens and eyes and prescribe treatment to regain the lost eyesight. The prescription may include a set of exercises or medication as the case maybe. In most of the cases medication is given in the form of eye drops, tablets or creams to be administered on the eye balls or on the eye region. They help in soothing the eyes and improve the vision. In cases where the infection is caused due to virus attacks, a tropical antiviral therapy may be required to restore eyesight and health. Conjunctivitis and pink eye are the most common kinds of eye diseases. When affected with these infections patients may have to stay away from meeting other people as it can spread the disease and worsen the condition of the patient and his surrounding people. Application of ointments, compresses with warm or cool sponges may help in relieving the situation. Based on the extent of infection, the curing time may extend from few weeks to a month or more.

Treatment of Eye Diseases

Eye diseases are best prevented than cured. It is necessary to wash hands as often as possible as it helps in preventing the spreading of germs. When hands are dirty, care should be taken not to touch your face or hands as it can lead to potential side effects and germ attacks. Eye make-up and use of lends should be avoided. If at used they should be used only after getting proper prescription from an eye doctor. Do not share the glasses or spectacles of other people as the power can affect your eyesight can cause permanent damage. Further, it is possible that the germs present in such glasses can be infected n your eyes causing much damage. Lenses should not be used beyond their expiry date. They are made up of chemical components which lose their potency after expiry date and can possibly become harmful substances hurting eye sight permanently. Use of safety glasses in industrial sites should be encouraged as the excess heat and dust can cause permanent damage to eyesight. Workers of mines and quarries are compulsorily required to wear goggles as exposure to hard minerals can effect eye sight with a short period of time.

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