Osteoporosis is a medical condition where the bones of the patient become weak and thin becoming more prone to fracture. The regions that are more prone to the medical condition include, hip, back, wrist and spine. The National Institutes of health estimates that at least forty four million people in the USA are suffering from this serious medical condition. It usually affects people who are aged above the age of fifty. Approximately two lakh thirty thousand people end up in accidents that lead to fractures due to this old age condition. With the increased trend of unhealthy lifestyle the condition is said to become worse in the coming years. Osteoporosis if left unattended or cured can lead to serious health complications affecting mobility and daily routine activities. Once a bone is broken in the old age it is literally impossible to set it right as it takes more time and effort for new tissues to grow and the bones to get attached again. Osteoporosis can also lead to reduced heights in affected persons as it ends the backbone making the person appear to be more short and weak than he actually is.

Causes of Osteoporosis
The various causes that can be linked to the occurrence of osteoporosis are age of the individual, gender, hereditary, excessive smoking or drinking, exposure to estrogen, possible osteoporosis occurrence after heart attack or strokes, etc. it is estimated that women are twice prone to the disease than men due to the low bone density and strength. Also, the bone mass of an individual reduces with age making them prone to fractures and accidents. Although people all over the world have equal risk of being affected with the disease, people of Caucasian or South Asian ethnicities have still far is more risk of being affected by the disease. African and Indian people are least prone to the occurrence of osteoporosis. Further, people with small body frames and slimmer people with less bone mass are more prone to be affected as their body can become unusually thin and weak with the passage of time. A study conducted by the Rice University found that people who have recovered from heart attacks or strokes are more prone to be affected by the disease than others who have not undergone a heart attack. Like any other disease excessive smoking can also be an effective reason for occurrence of osteoporosis in individuals.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis
It is a medical condition that requires a long period of time to develop and become critical. Hence, it is almost impossible to detect it with symptoms at an earlier stage. The early symptoms of the disease include pains in joint regions, increased effort and difficulty in standing, walking or even getting up after sitting for a long time, inability to sit straight for long periods of time, etc. The stopped position of aged people is a standard feature of people affected with osteoporosis. Fractures from simple falls and successive pains in the bones are also symptoms of osteoporosis. Even slight movements like a sneeze can cause severe pain and discomfort leading to collapse of closely held bone structures. The weakening of bones and loss of bone mass is the main reason for accidents resulting in quick fractures. The bone with age erodes in strength making the person weaker and incapable of quick mobility or physical activity. A worsening stooping posture is also an essential symptom of osteoporosis.
Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
There are various lab tests and physical examinations that aid in diagnosing the presence of osteoporosis. The various scans that are used for diagnosing the disease include DEXA scan, dental x-rays, ultrasound scans, computerized tomography, measuring the presence of calcium in the body, etc. Calcium is essential for bone structure and strength. A low composition of calcium indicates possible occurrence of osteoporosis. It is better for people aged over the age of sixty five to have themselves diagnosed for osteoporosis. It is essential for women to have the test conducted post menopause as there is an increased possibility of the disease more than in men due the estrogen presence. Also, people with any kind of diabetes have higher risk of possibility of osteoporosis as their blood sugar levels can also impact the bone health considerably. Previous medical history that included the presence of any kidney, heart, thyroid or similar health ailments can possibly lead to osteoporosis. More than men the disease is more common in old aged women. Hence, it is not necessary for men to have routine checkups. It is advised that women undergo early diagnosis to ensure that there is proper treatment and care to avoid severity of the disease. Early menopause in women will also lead to osteoporosis as it increases the presence of estrogen.
There are various lab tests and physical examinations that aid in diagnosing the presence of osteoporosis. The various scans that are used for diagnosing the disease include DEXA scan, dental x-rays, ultrasound scans, computerized tomography, measuring the presence of calcium in the body, etc. Calcium is essential for bone structure and strength. A low composition of calcium indicates possible occurrence of osteoporosis. It is better for people aged over the age of sixty five to have themselves diagnosed for osteoporosis. It is essential for women to have the test conducted post menopause as there is an increased possibility of the disease more than in men due the estrogen presence. Also, people with any kind of diabetes have higher risk of possibility of osteoporosis as their blood sugar levels can also impact the bone health considerably. Previous medical history that included the presence of any kidney, heart, thyroid or similar health ailments can possibly lead to osteoporosis. More than men the disease is more common in old aged women. Hence, it is not necessary for men to have routine checkups. It is advised that women undergo early diagnosis to ensure that there is proper treatment and care to avoid severity of the disease. Early menopause in women will also lead to osteoporosis as it increases the presence of estrogen.
Treatment for osteoporosis
There are various therapies and treatments to cure osteoporosis. The most resorted therapies are hormone replacement therapy, testosterone treatment, administering of calcitonin, selective estrogen receptor modulators, stem cell therapy, etc. Under hormone replacement therapy, women who have had menopause are safeguarded from loss of bone mass or density. However, it is not used as the first level treatment for osteoporosis as it can lead to heart attack or seizures. Testosterone treatment may be administered in patients to balance the shortage of hormones due to which the risk of being affected increases substantially. The calcitonin intake prevents further corrosion of the bone and helps keep them intact and stronger for a substantial period of time which delays and stagnates the possibility of osteoporosis. Stem cell therapy enhances bone growth and also helps in improving the density of the bone making it less prone to the disease. The underlying idea of any therapy is to strengthen the bones which will reduce the possibility of further fractures and immobility. Healthy diet with a good composition of fibers and proteins will also aid in proper bone strength and prevent the possibility of osteoporosis. However, the patient should also resort to a healthy lifestyle that is complete with moderate physical activity that boosts strength and bone strength.
There are various therapies and treatments to cure osteoporosis. The most resorted therapies are hormone replacement therapy, testosterone treatment, administering of calcitonin, selective estrogen receptor modulators, stem cell therapy, etc. Under hormone replacement therapy, women who have had menopause are safeguarded from loss of bone mass or density. However, it is not used as the first level treatment for osteoporosis as it can lead to heart attack or seizures. Testosterone treatment may be administered in patients to balance the shortage of hormones due to which the risk of being affected increases substantially. The calcitonin intake prevents further corrosion of the bone and helps keep them intact and stronger for a substantial period of time which delays and stagnates the possibility of osteoporosis. Stem cell therapy enhances bone growth and also helps in improving the density of the bone making it less prone to the disease. The underlying idea of any therapy is to strengthen the bones which will reduce the possibility of further fractures and immobility. Healthy diet with a good composition of fibers and proteins will also aid in proper bone strength and prevent the possibility of osteoporosis. However, the patient should also resort to a healthy lifestyle that is complete with moderate physical activity that boosts strength and bone strength.
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