Cholestrol has been derived from the Greek word chole which means bile and stereos which means solid and the chemical suffix (ol) that has been attached to it is an organic molecule. It is basically a sterol and an important constituent of cell membranes of animals that is needed to maintain permeability and fluidity. Therefore cholesterol belongs to class of lipid that is fat molecules. It fulfills the purpose of a precursor required for the biosynthesis of bile acide , vitamin D and steroid hormones. Cholestrol is the main sterol which is made in all cell in vertebrates specially the liver by all animals. And it is synthesized in a greater quantity than any other chemical. There is cholesterol in bacteria with the exception of Mycoplasma whose growth takes place through the cholesterol. Cholestrol was first discovered by Francois poullitier de la sale in 1769. He found them in gallstones. But the word cholestrine was found by Michel Eugene chevreul in around 1815.

Cholestrol is essential for survival in case of animals so they are synthesized in a 37 step process which starts with the complex protein. For a man of around 68kg there is approximately 1000 mg manufacturing of cholesterol per day.
Now, coming to the causes of cholesterol. Cholestrol can be both be a boon and bane to your health. Though it is necessary for the functioning of the body but definitely at normal levels. but even a little increase in the cholesterol levels lead to increased risks of heart attacks. High cholesterol which is generally known as hyperlipidemia and dyslipidemia. They are a major reason to coronary heart disease which is a major cause to heart attacks and decrease in lipid levels always lower the risk of cardiovascular arrest. In hdl levels cause an increase in cholesterol in arteries . On the other hand ldl carries cholesterol to the liver. Further if the cholesterol level rises than there is blockages cause in the arteries .The reason being that path is narrowed , the blood thickens and plague is resulted from it.
Now there are many reasons for the high level cholesterol. Some factors can be modified and some cannot be modified. But following are two modifiable factors for cholesterol:-
- Diet
- Exercising regularly
- Weight control
Having excess of body weight always have chances of increasing LDL levels in the blood to rise. The main causes of hyperlipidemia are found to be because of genetic reasons. High LDL levels are found due to hereditary factors called as the inherited condition familial hypercholesterolemia.
LDL cholesterol in the blood deposits the fatty acids inside the blood streams. They with time grow to develop scars also called as plagues. LDL cholesterol leads to unwanted and extra cell growth sometimes in and around the lining of arteries. This results in the reduction of diameter of the arterial region. Plaque can damage and block the arteries fully including the main arteries feeding the heart that is the coronary artery. This process is called as atheroscirosis which means the stiffening of the arteries. This result into angina pain or stroke attacks. Increase in LDL levels lead to increase the risk of heart attack.
. So angina pain, pain in the calves is always a definitive symptom of heart attack. But the main outcome and consequence of cholestrol is heart attack and stroke.
High levels of cholesterol in blood would make you feel sick sometimes. So, in case you feel any of the above symptoms don’t delay it and start with the treatment right away. Even if its not causing you much trouble in the beginning but by them you realize it that it is problematic it may already have started to block your arteries. So, as soon as you notice any of the above symptoms simply go and find the doctor.
For a simple diagnosis of cholesterol the doctor asks you for a blood test and then your cholesterol level shall be determined. The blood sample helps to determine the total cholesterol level and also the hdl and ldl levels. But the condition for blood test is you fast 12 hour before the blood sample is to be taken. The doctor determines your medical history your physical conditions and other risk factors involved with your health. Some of the risk factor are following:-
• Smoking and drinking

• Less exercise and rigidity in the body
• Age
• Diabetic factor
• Family history of the patient
• Medical history of the patient
• High ldl
• High ldl
• Low hdl
• Obesity
• Higher levels of blood pressure
The general diagnosis include that determine the ldl and hdl levels. LDL is the bad cholesterol the type which can block your arteries. In case you have high cholesterol then you need to lower it. HDL is considered to be good cholesterol. It removes fat from your blood. A high level of HDL always lowers risk of heart disease. Further there are triglycerides are another types of blood fats. Having high triglycerides and high LDL always increase your chances of having a higher risk of heart attack.
Cardiovascular disease it what the consequence of high cholesterol in blood is. This is the number one reason of death in the United States. But before it is a danger alarm before that you can always lower the risk of heart attacks and control your cholesterol levels.
The first and foremost thing you need to do is to change the lifestyle patterns on which you have been living since long. In that you will have to consider your weight, your intake of tobacco and hard drinks. You can control all this by having a healthy vegetarian diet. A moderate amount of aerobic activity .Even a regular walk can also help. Muscular strengthening activities can also help. And try to avoid tobacco smoke.
The first and foremost thing you need to do is to change the lifestyle patterns on which you have been living since long. In that you will have to consider your weight, your intake of tobacco and hard drinks. You can control all this by having a healthy vegetarian diet. A moderate amount of aerobic activity .Even a regular walk can also help. Muscular strengthening activities can also help. And try to avoid tobacco smoke.
Keep a regular check on your fat levels that is the LDL cholesterol levels. And work on them to reduce them as soon as you can.
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