Overactive Bladder or OAB (Overactive Bladder syndrome) features problems related to urination. It is a urological condition that does not create serious harm but however, needs medical attention in order to lead a peaceful lifestyle. The syndrome creates an urge in patients to urinate frequently. It features constant urgency, inadequate sleep due to urination (referred to as nocturia), unintentional urinating and a sense to continue, etc. Pain is also felt during urination that is caused due to the overactive bladder. It is estimated that at least twenty seven percent of males and forty three per cent of women are affected with this disease all over the world. The common symptoms of the disease include diabetes, excess consumption f caffeine, excess drinking or smoking, etc. Poor lifestyle choices may also lead to this medical condition. Although the condition requires immediate medical attention many do seek medical attention until the condition becomes severe and uncontrollable. Since the disease does not threaten the existence of life or other severities surgery is not conducted as tere is possibility of permanent damage of the spinal nerves which can impair mobility and self support considerably.

Overactive Bladder or OAB (Overactive Bladder syndrome) features problems related to urination. It is a urological condition that does not create serious harm but however, needs medical attention in order to lead a peaceful lifestyle. The syndrome creates an urge in patients to urinate frequently. It features constant urgency, inadequate sleep due to urination (referred to as nocturia), unintentional urinating and a sense to continue, etc. Pain is also felt during urination that is caused due to the overactive bladder. It is estimated that at least twenty seven percent of males and forty three per cent of women are affected with this disease all over the world. The common symptoms of the disease include diabetes, excess consumption f caffeine, excess drinking or smoking, etc. Poor lifestyle choices may also lead to this medical condition. Although the condition requires immediate medical attention many do seek medical attention until the condition becomes severe and uncontrollable. Since the disease does not threaten the existence of life or other severities surgery is not conducted as tere is possibility of permanent damage of the spinal nerves which can impair mobility and self support considerably.

Causes of OAB
main cause for this disease is hereditary in nature. It is more assed down the
generations than affected on an individual basis. However, individual lifestyle
choices of drinking and smoking can also inflict the disease condition in an
individual. Excess consumption of caffeine particles like coffee, soda, energy
drinks, etc can also cause OAB. However, a more detailed cause of the disease
is not available and is quite unclear. It features an over activity of the
detrusor urinae muscle which is responsible for contraction or expansion of the
bladder during urodynamics. Abnormal contractions in the tissue can also lead
to this medical condition where the whole bladder or detrusor tissue is unable
to sustain pressure for longer periods of time. Hence, OAB is also referred to
as a disease related to the bladder than of other tissues of organs of the body
system. OAB is not the same as urinary incontinence as is commonly believed.
Both the diseases have entirely difference causes and symptoms which require
different medical attention. However, if they are occurring together simultaneously
in an individual it is referred to as mixed incontinence.
Symptoms of OAB
OAB has four major symptoms – frequent urge to urinate, increased urgency or compulsion, nocturia, and incontinence. Urgency to urinate frequently without proper intervals is the major symptom of OAB. However, there is no standard specification or classification as to what is referred to as proper interval in medical studies. However, a sudden urge to urinate and anxiety or fear of urinating is referred to as OAB. It is considered that a person has OA if he or she is required to urinate more than eight times a day. Once medication is initiated a voiding diary is maintained where the frequency with which the urination occurs is tracked by the patient to mark progress and to start further medication. The number of urinating instances also varies with the hours of sleep, climatic conditions, quantum of water intake, effects of other medication, etc Nocturia is a medical condition where a person is unable to sleep due to an urge to urinate. Like other symptoms this is also due to the medication or lifestyle choices of the individual. Incontinence is a form of OAB where a person leaks involuntarily without his knowledge. Such medical condition can be arrested only by conscious medical attention to the individual and through performing tests like pad tests and periodical measurement.
OAB has four major symptoms – frequent urge to urinate, increased urgency or compulsion, nocturia, and incontinence. Urgency to urinate frequently without proper intervals is the major symptom of OAB. However, there is no standard specification or classification as to what is referred to as proper interval in medical studies. However, a sudden urge to urinate and anxiety or fear of urinating is referred to as OAB. It is considered that a person has OA if he or she is required to urinate more than eight times a day. Once medication is initiated a voiding diary is maintained where the frequency with which the urination occurs is tracked by the patient to mark progress and to start further medication. The number of urinating instances also varies with the hours of sleep, climatic conditions, quantum of water intake, effects of other medication, etc Nocturia is a medical condition where a person is unable to sleep due to an urge to urinate. Like other symptoms this is also due to the medication or lifestyle choices of the individual. Incontinence is a form of OAB where a person leaks involuntarily without his knowledge. Such medical condition can be arrested only by conscious medical attention to the individual and through performing tests like pad tests and periodical measurement.
Diagnosis of
primary diagnosis of OAB is performed by confirming or dispelling the major
symptoms of OAB. It is also further conformed by performed cystometry. It rules
the possibilities of any infection, tumors or kidney stones in the human body.
The frequency or volume chart also helps in diagnosing the stage of the medical
order with some accuracy. Further, additional urinary or pathology related
diseases can also be diagnosed in the due course of diagnosis for this disease
which will confirm or dispel the presence of OAB. Bladder cancer is also tested
for to ensure that it is not due to the excessive chemical reactions happening
in the body that the bladder is unable to perform its routine functions
effectively. Urinary tract infections that feature pain during urination and
hematuria (presence of blood in urine) are also diagnosed for.
Treatment of
patients post pone visiting their doctors and discussing the disease as it is
one that potentially embarrasses anyone. However, it is necessary to shed such
inhibitions and ensure that proper medication is taken at the earliest to
ensure that the disease is arrested before it aggravates and worsens the
patient’s condition. A combination of medication and dietary measures would result
in the treatment of OAB. Caffeine containing fluids should be reduced or is
possible avoided. Further, fluid intake should also be restricted in order to
reduce the urge of frequent urination. Various are available in the market
which arrests the sensation giving considerable relief to patients. However,
like any other medicines these are also to be consumed only as per prescribed
dosages recommended by doctors. The dosage will differ from patient to patient
based on the severity of the disease. Medication will aid in cutting down the
number by two to three time a day from the usual twelve times as is the nature
for affected patients. Surgery may also be recommended for severe cases.
However, they are not used widely because serous permanent damage could be
inflicted upon spine tissues that can harm bowel movements and other health
complications. Botolnium Toxin drug is the most commonly used drug which aids
in cutting down the urge to a significant extent without affecting the health
of the patient. A positive cooperation from the patient is also required to
control diet and fluid intake which is every essential for the cure than any
other medication as prescribed by medical professionals.
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