
Saturday 29 March 2014

Effective way to pay the bill online

Timely payment of bill is an important aspect of daily life. Many times you have noticed that you have forgot to pay the bill for your daily necessary like telephone, electric bill, credit card bill or any other. And on the next day you have to suffer for the service. In the earlier days people used to go to the payment counter and used to stand in long queue for the payment of bill. However the days have gone and you can pay your utilities bill online form your own place at your convenient time. If you are going to pay the bill online here are few tips which will certainly help you to pay your bill.

Taking the help of spreadsheet: Excel sheet is a wonderful tool in managing online bill payment. All you need t do is to open an excel sheet and the first column you mention the name of the bills (accounts) to be paid. Similarly on the second column mention the amount to be paid on the very next column mention the due dates for payment. This will give you clear idea about the total bill to be paid and finalizing the spread sheet once go through the sheet so that if you have missed any bill you can add to the sheet. Mark the last column of the spreadsheet as remark column and put a cross on the respective column once the bill get paid. 

Processing the excel sheet: Once the excel sheet is prepared add one more column to the excel sheet marking as the website of the company where you will pay the bill. This column will certainly help you to save some time as you don’t need to search for the company website for payment. 

Taking the help of reminder tool: You need to remember the due date for each payment else you will be land in trouble. Most of the service provider used to send reminder for the due date of payment; however you make your own arrangement instead of banking on the service. On the excel sheet you can set reminder for every payment, however on the internet there are several reminder tools available. Which will alert you to make the payment on or before due date. Search on the internet and subscribe a reminder tool for your convenience.
Opting for the e bill: Maoist of the organizations are opting for the e bill option instead of the regular paper bill. In fact there are certain advantages of the e-bill as you can get your bill at your finger tips at any times. At the same time there will be no chance of misplace of the bill as all your bills will be saved to your personal mail. Hence it is always wise to go paperless as far as bill payment is concerned. The above mentioned tips will certainly help you to pay all your bill online.

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