
Saturday, 29 March 2014

Best Tips For Improving Blood Circulation

Good blood circulation is extremely vital for every single part of the human body. This is because blood brings oxygen and nutrients to the various tissues and organs, and helps remove waste products from our body.  When your blood circulation isn't so good, there occurs a condition called Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). A number of problems results from PVD, like numbness, coldness, and tingling in the extremities which might lead to amputation in some cases.

The circulatory system pushes the blood through the human body. It consists of a network of arteries and veins that work along with the heart to provide oxygen and other nutrients. For the best functioning of this network, following are a few tips to promote good circulation.

1. Quit Smoking:  Smoking can damage one’s body. The topmost cause of poor circulation is the nicotine that is found in tobacco products. Quitting can be difficult,  Many smokers show 'optimistic distortion’, which is, they fool themselves that their wheezing chest,  hacking cough, rapidly wrinkling skin, and poor blood circulation "has no connection with" smoking cigarettes. Once they stop kidding themselves and realize that tobacco is a life destroyer then they have a chance of escape.

2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration or lack of water can be a serious medical problem. Plasma that makes up more than half of total blood is about 93 percent water. It is recommended that one must drink at least eight glasses of water each day; however, this can increase depending on one’s level of physical activity or the weather. It must be kept in mind that alcohol and caffeine can have a dehydrating effect on a person’s body.

3. Get Plenty of Exercise: When we perform aerobic exercises, such as running, cycling, rowing swimming or brisk walking, it will increase our heart rate and give our circulatory system a boost. Gentle aerobic exercises also help in managing stress, and contributor a lot to circulatory problems. Exercise develops smaller blood vessels which can avoid any blockages.


4. Reduce your stress: Prolonged and intense stress is awful for your circulation. Cutting down the stress level in your life lowers our blood pressure and improves our circulation. We must get plenty of sleep, take our time off from work sometimes and avoid unhealthy foods. Finding a low-impact hobby can also help us to counterbalance the stress that we come across elsewhere in our lives.

5. Natural Treatment for Poor Circulation: There are many treatments that are being used for centuries to improve blood circulation. They are very simple and can be adopted by anyone.

Elevate feet: Keeping our feet propped  up for short periods of time can enhance circulation by allowing blood trapped in the lower parts of the body to flow back to the heart.

Take a warm bath: Heat received from a warm bath increases the blood flow by making the blood vessels dilate.

6. Try natural circulation boosters: Certain foods like garlic, oranges, pumpkin seeds, salmon and avocados, have shown tendencies to boost blood circulation naturally. We must avoid too many processed carbohydrates and eat a good balanced diet full of antioxidants

7. Make your health your priority: Blood circulation is an indicator of good health. We must have regular blood pressure checks, eat healthily, take exercise, watch obesity and stress, and use self-hypnosis. Because as said once by Mahatma Gandhi: "It is health and not pieces of gold and silver that is real wealth."

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