
Friday 18 April 2014

Anxiety Disorder Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Anxiety disorder is a widespread mental disorder characterized by heightened feelings of fear (in reaction to current events) and anxiety (regarding future events). In such a condition the person may develop a large amount of anxiety in an incredibly short span of time. This causes a build-up of stress in the system, which may even result in anxiety attacks. An anxiety attack is characterized by physical discomfort and pain. Fear and anxiety are healthy and ordinary emotions which when heightened may lead to a frustrating disorder. Extreme anxiety distracts a person making him/her feel uncomfortable. In such a condition, one finds it difficult to cope with daily life routines and responsibilities. This leads to degradation in the quality of life. Panic and anxiety disorder is rampant in today’s world.

People all around the world from different walks of life are susceptible to anxiety disorder. Everybody wants to be in a healthy state of mind. This mental illness is devastating and if one fails to seek effective medical treatment, may reduce productivity of the sufferer resulting in a dissatisfactory life. This is a common disorder that has been reported to affect over eighteen per cent of global population.
Let us take a brief overview of the various kinds of anxiety disorders one may suffer from.
  •  Anxiety panic disorder, characterized by frightening panic attacks, unexpected feelings of acute fear, rapid increase in heart rate, breathing difficulties, tightness in chest, stomach cramps and disorientation. Sufferers often think that they are dying.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), characterized by irrational thoughts and/or uncontrollable and repetitive actions. Sufferers find it difficult to be satisfied with their work and have a ritualistic tendency of performing a particular task multiple times in order to achieve perfection.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, characterized by nightmares, sleeping difficulties, flashbacks, anger, depression and irritability. Such symptoms occur after a series of traumatic events like natural disasters, child abuse, sexual abuse, stressful occupation etc. Sufferers have been reported to get startled very easily.
  • Extreme phobia, characterized by irrational fear upon confrontation with certain items or situations. In this case, the sufferer may develop imaginary obstacles and harmful consequences and avoid certain tasks, items or situations. These may pose no danger to others. 
  • Generalized anxiety disorder, characterized by irrational pessimism, nausea, stomach cramps, shaking and trembling, headache, muscular pain and tightness in chest. Sufferers are likely to consider worst case scenario in situations which do not even show evidences of any possible failure.

Anxiety disorders may result in lack of sleep which leads to weariness and stress and a whole new line of health problems. These disorders have various noticeable symptoms, such as twitching and excessive perspiration. The person tends to sweat heavily after moderate physical exertion. Increased worries on a daily basis will disrupt normal functioning. Palpitation, shakiness, muscle tension, soreness and aches are other physical symptoms of anxiety disorder. Symptoms may also include insomnia, numbness, nausea, tiredness, poor concentration and overreaction to otherwise minor events. Panic attacks have several other symptoms like swallowing difficulties, fear of falling seriously ill or even dying, and a feeling that the person is losing grip on reality. Emotional symptoms include nervousness, confusion, jumpiness, avoidance, restlessness, insecurity, excessive self-consciousness and feelings of apprehension, dread and uneasiness.


Though not lethal, anxiety attacks may cause a lot of pain. It is not necessary to experience all the symptoms before considering medical treatment. If you notice any of the abovementioned symptoms, you should rush to your doctor straight away! The first step to cope with any health condition is diagnosis. A proper diagnosis is essential to identifying the sources of your health problem. It is very important for you to analyze the sources of your stress and anxiety. If you are suffering from anxiety disorder, then an early diagnosis and treatment shall cure you. With appropriate techniques, anybody can overcome this disorder. Anxiety build up may be prevented with special exercises which will also reduce anxiety attacks.


People suffering from the various kinds of anxiety disorder may seek any of the following treatments, based on their disorder type.
  • Cognitive behavior therapy – It is a psychotherapeutic approach to address your panic attacks. This therapy is focused on understanding the feelings and thought processes that influence human behavior in order to cope with dysfunctions. A psychiatrist guides the patient to change the cognitive patterns which trigger anxiety attacks so as to deal with the disorder effectively.
  • Medication –Drugs may not be a cure, but they are a tool that may be used for coping with panic and anxiety. While you are on other therapies, you may consult your doctor to prescribe anti-depressants for you. These pills may help you to cope with the various frustrating symptoms of anxiety disorders.
  • Self-help –One may learn at home from the various self-help tutorials available on the internet. Treatment may differ from person to person depending on the type of disorder, but practicing relaxation techniques is a common recommendation. One may practice breathing exercises, yoga and other relaxation techniques to prevent anxiety. These methods shall help you to treat and cope with your disorders effectively.
It is of utmost importance to keep the body and mind calm. People suffering from acute disorders may require strict medication to relieve them from the various physical and emotional symptoms. On the long run, however, one needs to consult a counselor or therapist to identify and eradicate the original sources of discomfort. In order to get back your active and normal life, you must learn to deal with your panic and anxiety disorder.

Can you cure yourself permanently? That is the most frequently asked question about this disorder and the answer is of course, yes. It is not impossible to cure your disorder permanently. There is a cycle of fear and discomfort that triggers your anxiety. You need to learn to break that cycle and resume complete control of your thoughts and emotions. It is essential to study oneself and learn about his/her behavioral and thought patterns. Once you know what triggers your discomfort, you may cope with and eradicate the obstacles over time.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Its Causes

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a collection of progressiveconditions characterized by a partially reversible limitation of airflow to the system. People often think of COPD as a disease on its own. The characteristic airflow limitation not only worsens over time, but it is also accompanied by an abnormal inflammation of the body’s airways. In other words, airflow during exhalation is obstructed irreversibly and may never resume original state. As a result the air remains trapped in the lungs and further increases breathing difficulties. A part of this lung disease is called emphysema.

Emphysema may be categorized into two types – centrilobular and panlobular emphysema. The former type, also called genetic or alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, is a devastating disease even though it is not caused by smoking. The latter is the more common type of emphysema which is caused by smoking. The air sacs in the lungs and the airways are destroyed progressively. This type of emphysema is also characterized by inflammation. The victim is to suffer with irritated and inflamed airways that produce a lot of secretions, and a consequent destruction of air sacs. According to medical surveys, COPD is the fourth most alarming cause of global deaths. Naturally, this is a major burden on the health care system in humans.

What causes COPD? COPD is a major causative factor of the high rates of global morbidity and mortality. One of the most common causative factors of COPD is the health-injurious practice of cigarette smoking. Tobacco smoke from pipe, cigars and other sources may cause COPD. Over eighty per cent of the listed COPD patients have been smokers and ninety per cent of COPD-related deaths have been caused due to smoking habits. The growth and development of the lungs in teenagers and young people is slowed down by smoking and this leads to increased risks of developing COPD in later stages of life. Secondhand smoking, or passive smoking, may also lead you to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, over 17% of COPD patients do not have any history of smoking.

Smoking may be the leading factor causing pulmonary disease, but there are other factors that should also be taken into account. Air pollution, occupational dust, and hazardous air chemicals may also cause COPD. Since this disease takes time to develop, you may not fall short of breath for years after you’ve developed COPD. Shifting to different climatic zones may lead to breathing difficulties that show up years later. Environmental deterioration has led to an increase in breathing problems among citizens. Many a times, COPD goes unnoticed because breathing troubles are attributed to flu or seasonal allergies. To treat a symptom, it is essential for one to know if it is in a treatable and viable condition.

Common cough will go away in a few days, unlike COPD which brings up mucus with the cough. You may feel short of breath even after moderate physical activities. Moreover, the cough shall last for many months along with occasional bouts of varying severity. Patients may suffer occasional flare-ups during which the symptoms worsen for a specific period of time. Air pollution and lung infections may lead to such exacerbations. Periods of heightened suffering demand immediate medical attention and necessary medical adjustments so as to prevent increased breathing difficulties.

What are the stages of COPD?Consult a physician who may analyze the severity of your disease (if at all) based on medical test reports. COPD symptoms are closely similar to those of cystic or pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, asthma and other illnesses. Doctors require reports of lung function and spirometer tests to determine the COPD in patients.

Stages of COPD may be categorized into mild, moderate, severe and end stages progressively.

  • In the preliminary mild stage, one may suffer from a chronic cough that brings up mucus. You may feel slightly breathless after physical activities. Patients at this stage, however, may show normal range in lung function and spirometer tests.
  •  Mucus associated with cough, at the moderate stage, may vary in color and texture. Mucus may alternate between yellow and green colors, and thicken in texture. Clear lung health deterioration may be observed from FEV1 tests now. Lung performance tests will show abnormalities in spirometer reports. Patient may experience flare-ups or COPD exacerbation occasionally. Physical exertion will result in prolonged shortness of breath.
  • Severe COPD stage is marked by severe airflow limitations. Patient may fall short of breath after normal day-to-day physical activities. This demands urgent medical attention so as to allow the patient to lead a normal active life and manage the symptoms of COPD. Test reports will show alarmingly poor lung health. This stage is characterized by excessive production of mucus and frequent flare-ups or COPD exacerbation.
  • At this stage, the primary symptoms of mucus, breathlessness, and cough shall worsen considerably. The end stage is characterized by visibly high weight loss and ever poor lung health and performance. Respiratory functions become poor and threaten a heart failure of the patient. A whole range of new troublesome ailments emerge which may even lead to edema and/or fluid retention in the body.·    
Can COPD be cured? No, scientists have not found the cure to COPD yet. But one is not to lose all hope. A COPD patient may lead a functional and average life with proper medication and a few lifestyle changes. One may need to take help from multiple disciplinarians in order to treat COPD. A patient may need assistance from psychologists, nutritionists, behaviorists, physical, occupational and respiratory therapists, etc. to achieve a higher life quality. These professionals may guide you in accordance with your COPD stage and symptoms.
  • Avoidance is the first treatment. Abstain from your tobacco smoking habits. Removal of this causative factor shall reduce COPD progression in patient, as shown by studies.
  • A bronchodilator may be used for exhalation troubles. These short acting medications last for four to six hours and aid the patient to exhale completely.
  • Use of long acting bronchodilators and inhalable steroids shall reduce airway inflammation.
  • To elevate the patient’s quality of life at later stages of COPD, one may consider pulmonary rehab, long term usage of oxygen supplements and even surgery.

Symptoms and Remedies of Skin Problems


Skin is the outer protection layer of the human body that protects the internal organs from invasion of germs and bacteria. It is the largest organ in the human body and is also responsible for giving an appearance to the human body. Due to constant exposure to heat, sunlight and dust there could be various ailments that can occur on the surface of the skin. Although most of the skin diseases are due to influence of external environment, it is possible that some of them occur due to the diet, lifestyle and hereditary reasons. A doctor who handles issues related to skin problems is called a dermatologist. It is always better to consult a dermatologist than do to self medication in case of sever skin health problems. The common skin problems include dry skin, acne, rashes, scabies, lice, shingles, impetigo, ringworm, etc. Acute skin diseases like skin cancer have also become common nowadays due to the constant exposure to ultra violet radiation and excess use of cosmetics. It is necessary to take proper care of the skin as it can lead to permanent damage if left unattended and cause severe mental stress and physical pain for the patient. Hygiene practices will ensure that your skin problems are kept at bay ensuring a good and healthy lifestyle.

Causes of skin problems

The most common cause for skin problems is use of unclean water. Water with germs contamination can affect the outer layer of skin to get damaged and subsequently harm the entire body system. Further external factors like dust, dirt and heat can also cause the skin to crumble and get damaged quickly. Other causes of skin problems include sunburn, bruises (from falls, accidents), excess sweating, inadequate fluid intake, unhealthy diet practices, etc. Sunburn is caused by excess exposure to sunlight. Although it is good to a certain extent, beyond a limit it can lead to severe problems like skin cancer. When exposed to sunlight the skin produces melanin which creates the pigmentation and complexion of the skin and is good in limited quantities. However, when is exceeds the limited proportions it can cause excess darkening of the skin and lead to cancer. Further, dry skin can be caused to inadequate intake of fluids. Fluids moisturize the body and helps in keeping the skin supple and healthy. Without proper moisture content skin can become more brittle and crumble easily. Further, old age is the ultimate reason during which the skin crumbles like scales and becomes unhealthy due to the passage of time.

Symptoms of skin problems

Since skin is the outer layer of the human body and is constantly exposed, the symptoms of any skin problems can be identified very easily and quickly. The most common symptoms of skin problems are constant itching, reddening of the skin, acne; lose of pigmentation, scalp problems, allergies, etc. Most of the symptoms could be due to lack of vitamins or enough intakes of fluids however, external factors have a major role to play. Skin problems are mostly on the rise during summers when the heat dries out the skin making it vulnerable to cracking and breaking. Further, excess application of cosmetics can cause serious allergies. Cosmetics are made up of chemicals which if used in excess amounts can affect the sensitivity of the skin and make it prone to germ attacks and infections. Sweating is very essential for the human skin. Without skin the sweat pores can get clogged with dirt and cause blockage of dirt and germs. Hence, care must be taken to ensure that physical activity is undertaken to ensure proper sweating for healthy skin. In addition it is necessary to consult a doctor in case the patient has fever, coupled with extensive skin rashes, swelling in the face, mouth or other delicate parts of the body.

Diagnosis of skin problems

The most common practice for skin disease screening or diagnosis is biopsy. In biopsy a small part of the skin is sent to the lab for further analysis. Blood tests are also conducted to verify the cleanliness of the blood to ensure that the skin diseases are not caused due to any interior problems with the skin. The common tests used for diagnosing skin problems are skin prick test, skin scratch test, skin scrape test, intrademic test and patch test. Under the skin prick test, the soft part of the skin is pricked with a needle with a small amount of allergen. The patch test also administers the same allergens by applying a patch to the skin. These tests are conducted to see if the patient has any skin allergies which can possibly lead to even severe complications. Hypersensitivity and irresponsiveness can be diagnosed through these tests. Testing of skin diseases are normally undertaken at specialized hospitals that have the required setup and infrastructure to carry out all the necessary tests.

Treatment of skin problems

There are various tests and treatment conducted to cure all possible skin problems. The most common skin health problems are acne treatments, skin cancer treatments, jock itch treatments, shingles treatments, skin tags removal, mole removal, etc. All these tests are considered to be very painful and hurting but however, can be carried out without any pain by the best dermatologists. Blood tests also help in identifying the presence of antibodies in the skin which may have to remove if required. Allergies can be easily treated by avoiding direct physical contact with allergens. Further, immunity of the screen can also be increased through external communication. Skin is a sensitive part of the human body. Treating it good is the best way to ensure its health. Better than seeking treatment it is better to ensure that no allergy or skin ailments are infected upon it. It is always better to seek the advice of a dermatologist than self help since the underlying problem can be even more severe than what appears to the normal eye. Use of skin protection creams like sun protection, moisturizing cream, glycerin soaps will ensure elimination and prevention of skin problems.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment


Rheumatoid Arthritis is a medical condition that can seriously affect the organs and tissues located primarily in the synovial joints. It is termed as a systematic inflammatory disorder that results in subsequent immobility and inability of movement. The disease is progressive in nature, meaning it aggravates with passage of time and disables the human body. The points where the disease affects are the joint regions in feet and wrists although other parts in the human body are also equally prone to be affected. The human body’s immune system is a collection of complex cells and antibodies that function in a coordinated manner to attack and destroy foreign bodies that enter the body through external sources. Immunity helps protect ourselves from unknown infections. When the immune system starts attacking our own body on the presumption of foreign particles or harmful infectants it leads to this disease. The National Health Service estimated about three lakh fifty thousand people to be affected by this painful disease. Further, this disease is more prone to occur in women than in men by a multiple of three times. Due to lack of awareness and unavailability of proper health care facilities most people tend to be ignorant of this disease until it becomes sever and is diagnosed at a later stage.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The main primary cause of this disease is that the body’s immune system begins to attack the body itself. Antibodies attack the synovium which is a thin membrane that protects and lubricates the joints. Due to this onslaught of antibodies the membrane breaks causing acute pain while moving or shifting positions. The lack of lubrication causes friction in the joints that causes the severe pain. The initial stages of this disease are hardly known since the symptoms and signs occur at a very late stage when much interior damage could have already been happened. Due to the breaking of the membrane and subsequent compromise of the cartilage the joints lose shape and composure and tend to become crippled or disfigured. It is also proven that the external living conditions of an individual also have a role to play in the disease occurrence. Various bacterial infection, virus attacks and alien substances can enter the body system and result in provoking the disease.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe chronic disease with prolonged periods of suffering. The patients may not capable of knowing the signs and taking precautions at an early stage. It may take weeks or even months for the symptoms to be reveled completely. By then treatment may not be as effective and the patient may have to undergo deep suffering. The most commonly affected regions of this disease are the wrists, shoulders, hand joints, knees, elbows, and ankles. Joints show swelling and acute pain in early stages. The skin may also have an inflammatory sensation and reddening followed by swelling. The patient may also lose weight significantly due to lack of interest in appetite. Other signs of the disease include inflammation of lungs, tear glands, salivary glands and other interior organs of the body. The patient tends to feel constant fatigue and tiredness and an aggravated inability to move freely. Walking and climbing may also become extremely difficult due to this medical condition. Depression and low state of mind are also features of this disease as most patients are unable to express their bodily condition effectively. Regular fever and similar illness are also signs of the onset of this disease.

Diagnosis Rheumatoid Arthritis

In the early days diagnosing this disease was not as easy as it is today. The inflammation and stiffness conditions were related to many other diseases which left the detection of this disease unattended in most cases. However, with the advancement in technology and a range of tests it has become easy to detect this disease with blood tests, scanning and x-rays. The ESR or SED rate of the blood is an effective measure which reveals whether the patient is having any internal trouble. Inflammatory conditions can be quickly assessed with a test of the ESR rate. Further, a testing of anemia may also be prescribed by the doctor as a vast majority of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis also tend to have anemia. Further, if a patient tends to have morning stiffness or inability to move freely in the mornings, he is said to be suffering from this disease. The joints settle down in position during the night and make it nearly impossible to move them during the day. A variety of other tests including physical examination may also be ordered by the doctor in order to understand more about the patient’s medical history and other medications. The disease may also be diagnosed with the occurrence of the following joint pains: sarcoidosis, acute rheumatic fever, amyloidosis, etc.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The treatment process of the disease involves three personnel: the chief physician, a chiropodist, an occupational therapist, podiatrist, general practitioner and a primary care nurse. Medication used for this kind of disease include NSAIDS which if taken on high dosages will lead to possible liver damage, bruises, hyper tension, internal stomach bleeding, constant irritation in the ears, etc. It is possible to treat this disease with an occupational therapist that can provide new and effective ways of curing which might take a longer duration than other methods. Surgeries like anthroplasty, arthrodesis, tendon repair and synovectomy are also effective in curing this disease. Like any other disease a change in the lifestyle also makes a positive impact on this medical condition. Applying heat or cold on the affected regions will help in easing pain in the joint regions. Sauna baths or hot showers also aid in providing relief from pain. Other therapies like acupuncture, hydrotherapy, massages, and electrotherapy are also known to give positive results in curing this disease. Rheumatic arthritis is a serious medical condition that requires much personal attention and care. Any medication or service provided should be done only after obtaining prior approval from the medical practitioner.